What To Do When Someone Dies

When the death of a loved one occurs, it will no doubt be a confusing, emotional time, and it can be hard to know exactly what to do next or who to contact. At Gore Brothers Ltd, we are here to guide you through this devastating process, making your responsibilities as straightforward and manageable as possible.

Expected Deaths

This process will differ depending on whether the death has occurred at home, in a hospital or under official care provision. If the death has occurred at home, contact the GP of the deceased by telephone. If the death has occurred in a hospital, care home or hospice, the staff will follow their protocols and contact the relevant people on your behalf. In any case, the doctor will issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death — at this point, the death should be registered officially.

You can register a death using this link.

Unexpected Deaths

A coroner may not always be required to attend to the deceased, although, under some circumstances, this may be a requirement. If a doctor is unable to determine the cause of death — and issue a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death — the coroner will be notified and called in to determine the official cause of death.

The process of registering a death will change should the presence of a coroner be needed. You can find out more about that process here, and you can talk to our supportive team to discuss your next steps.

Registering the Death

Once you have obtained a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death, you should register the death. This may not always be possible within the stated 5 days however, you should do so as soon as is practical. Once registered, you will receive a certificate for Burial or Cremation (green in colour), which you will need to give to the funeral director. If the Coroner is involved, you will not be given a form, as the relevant paperwork is sent directly to the crematorium or cemetery by the Coroner.

Arranging the Funeral — Contact a Funeral Director

Once the death has been registered, contact a funeral director to help you make all the arrangements regarding your loved one’s funeral. Gore Brothers Ltd, an independent, family-run funeral directors with nearly two hundred years of experience, provide a supportive, compassionate service to those across Broadstairs, Margate and Ramsgate.

To begin making the necessary funeral preparation for the deceased, contact Gore Brothers Ltd today and we will guide you through the process, providing all the advice and assistance you require. You do not need to have registered the death before making contact with us.